“The Great Indian Tamarind Tree”, an English documentary produced and directed by Chilkuri Sushil Rao of Hyderabad, will be screened on January 10, 2024 at the 7th International Folklore Film Festival@India-Kerala-
The documentary will be screened at the C Achutha Menon Government College, Thrissur, during the 1.30 pm to 4 pm schedule of screenings.
The documentary is about how many people climbed onto the tamarind tree at Afzalgunj and could save their lives during the 1908 floods in Hyderabad.
In the huge floods, hundreds of people lost their lives when the continuous downpour resulted in the Musi River being in spate.
Chilkuri Sushil Rao’s documentary was selected from among the 2000 entries for the prestigious film festival.
The documentary figures among the 200 selected films and documentaries being screened at multiple locations. The festival began on January 5 and ends on January 10.
During the festival, films from Japan, South Africa, Brazil, Morocco, United States, Turkey, Indian, Iran, France, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Georgia, Sweden, Macedonia, Venezuela, Russian Federation, Poland, Ghana, Tunisia, Sudan, Kenya, Canada, Czech Republic, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Oman, Argentina, Serbia, Indonesia, Chile, Iraq, Tajikistan, Israel, Australia, France, UK, the Netherlands, Jordan, Taiwan, Algeria, Angola, Syrian Arab Republic, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan, Egypt, Nepal, Pakistan, Macau, Mexico, Croatia, Lithuania, Portugal, Hungary, Colombia, Austria, and Estonia are being screened.
“It is personally satisfying for me that the documentary is being screened at the 7th International Folklore Film Festival in Thrissur. The documentary has a strong message to convey. It shows how people irrespective of their backgrounds, culture, and religion, helped one another to survive the flood by climbing onto the tree,” the documentary filmmaker said.
Festival director V S Seetha said in the country focus section of the festival, there are films from France, Brazil, Spain, Turkey, Portugal, South Africa, Germany, China, Morocco, Philippines, Italy, and Egypt.
“The films mirror the cultural diversity of different countries,” Seetha said.
PWD Resthouse complex, Thirssur, Centre for Media Studies, St Thomas College, Government Fine Arts College, Thrissur, Sri C Achutha Menon Government College, Thrissur, and St Mary’s College, Thrissur.
Six films by women directors from Iran are also being screened at the festival.
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