
Ensure 100% Pass in TTD Educational Institutions - TTD JEo

TTD JEO Sri Veerabraham directed that the principals and headmasters should make a concrete action plan to achieve 100 percent pass in TTD junior colleges and schools this academic year. 

On Tuesday, he conducted a review meeting with the educational institutions in his chambers in the TTD administrative building.

Speaking on this occasion, Sri. Veerabraham suggested that special training classes should be organized for students who are lagging behind in education.  He also asked the institution heads to inform the students about the educational opportunities available on passing the tenth standard. He said the role of principals is crucial for the all-round development of students, and asked them to be proactive in discharging their duties and responsibilities to reach the goal.

TTD DEO Dr.M. Bhaskar Reddy Principals of the junior colleges were also present.

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