On Thursday, the last day of Sri Kodandaramaswamy's annual Brahmotsavam, Chakrasnanam was held at Pushkarini near the temple. A significant number of devotees participated and performed holy baths on the occasion.
Swami was awakened in the temple at 4 am with Suprabhatam and the temple was cleaned and worshiped. From 9.30am onwards Sri Sita Rama Lakshmana sere taken out on a celestial procession to Pushkarini on Tiruchi while, Sri Sudarshan Chakratalwar on a separate palanquin.
From 10.30 am to 11.15 am, Snapana Tirumanjanam was held as a ceremony for the idols.
Sri Chakratalwar was also rendered abhishekam with milk, curd, honey, turmeric and sandalwood. After that, the priests performed Chakrasanam while chanting Vedic mantras.
The Brahmotsavam of Sri Kodandarama Swamy will conclude with the Dhwajavarohanam on Thursday night.
Deputy EO Sri Natesh Babu, Superintendent Sri Hanumanthaiah, Temple Inspector Sri Naveen and temple priests participated in this program.
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