
Annual Brahmotsavams to Commence on 4th October

The twin pilgrim centres of Tirumala and Tirupati are caught in devotional fervour as they spruce up to host the grand nine-day annual brahmotsavams in Tirumala which is set to commence from October 4 onwards.


“Brahmotsavams”, the nine-day spiritual annual event of the Universal Lord Sri Venkateswara at Tirumala is considered to be one of the most colourful festivals observed in the country with utmost pomp and gaiety witnessed by millions of Srivari devotees across the globe.


As the name itself denotes that this colourful fete is strongly believed to have introduced by none other than the creator Lord Sri Brahma Himself in a “Thanks Giving” gesture to Lord Venkateswara, for saving the world from all evils in Kaliyuga.

On the other hand in Sanskrit, “Brahma” means “Nine”. So Brahmotsavams is a nine-day festival performed every year with the Sun transiting Kanya Rasi in the month of Aswayuja and concludes on Sravana star, which is the birth star of Lord Venkateswara.

In the famous religious text "Venkatachala Mahatyam" penned by the saint poetess Matrusri Tarigonda Vengamamba, she described, the Dhwajarohanam is performed in the star of Chitta with which the nine day fete commences while in the star of Uttarashada, Rathotsavam (wooden chariot) is performed and the mega fete concludes with Chakrasnanam in the star of Sravana.

The following are the series of events lined up during the annual brahmotsavams which concludes on October 12.

Ankurarpanam:(OCTOBER 3, 7PM TO 8PM)

Ankurarpanam or Beejavapanam is one of the most important rituals of the Vaikhanasa Agama performed a day before Brahmotsavams. Ankuararpanam essentially means “sowing the seed”. The essence of this ritual is to make a Sankalpa (a noble wish) to celebrate the festival and get the benign blessings of the Lord towards the successful conduct of the religious event. In this ritual nine types of seeds are being sowed in different mud pots in Yagashala amidst the chanting of Vedic hymns.

Dhwajarohanam: (OCTOBER 4, 5:45PM TO 6PM IN MEENA LAGNAM)

Dwajarohanam is a flag-hoisting festival that is held on the first day by hoisting a flag (Garudadhwaja) with a picture of Garuda (vehicle of Lord Maha Vishnu) on the top of the Dhwajasthambham (temple pillar mast) in front of the sanctum sanctorum. It is said to be a symbolic significance of extending a formal invitation to all the deities to attend the Brahmotsavam festival.


The Brahmotsavams are believed to be the most colourful religious events in the country as the processional deity of Lord Venkateswara, popularly known as Sri Malayappa Swamy takes a celestial ride every day and every evening on various vahanams, which will be a visual treat to watch.

Among these vahanams Lord Malayappa is flanked by His two consorts Sri Devi and Bhu Devi on Pedda Sesha, Mutyapu Pandiri, Sarvabhupala, Kalpavruksha, Swarna Ratham, Rathotsavam and Bangaru Tiruchi.

While He goes all alone on Chinnasesha, Simha, Mohini, Garuda, Hanumantha, Suryaprabha, Chandraprabha, Aswa vahanams.

Pedda Sesha Vahanam:(OCTOBER 4, 9PM TO 11PM)

After Dhwajarohanam, the processional deity of Lord Sri Venkateswara, popularly known as Sri Malayappa Swamy commences His celestial ride in the series of 16 vahana sevas during these nine days with Pedda Sesha Vahanam, the seven hooded giant Serpent King “Adisesha”.

Chinna Sesha Vahanam: (OCTOBER 5, 8AM To 10AM)

On the second day morning, the Lord is seated on Vasuki – the five hooded Serpent God as His vehicle. In Bhagavat Gita Lord Sri Krishna says He is Vasuki among the serpents. This signifies that how important is Chinna Sesha Vahanam.

Hamsa Vahanam:(OCTOBER 5, 7PM TO 9PM)

On the second day evening the Lord is again taken out on a celestial procession on Hamsa (Swan)vahanam. Hamsa means ‘pure’ and the swan is believed to have a high intellectual capability and can distinguish good from bad.

Simha Vahanam:(OCTOBER 6, 8AM TO 10AM)

On the third day morning the Lord is taken out in a procession on Simha carrier. Simha - the Lion is a symbol of royalty and power. Lord assumes the form of half man and half lion in his Narasimha Avathara. Lord Sri Krishna says in Bhagavat Gita that He is the Lion among the animals.

Muthyapu Pandiri Vahanam: (OCTOBER 6, 7PM To 9PM)

On the evening of the third day, the Lord is again taken out in procession along with His consorts Sri Devi and Bhu Devi in a palanquin decorated with a canopy of pearls. Pearl is said to be a symbol of purity and royalty.

Kalpa Vruksha Vahanam:(OCTOBER 7, 8AM To 10AM)

On the fourth day of the festival, the Lord is taken out in a colourful procession on the dazzling and finely decked Kalpa Vruksha – the divine tree as His vehicle along with Sridevi and Bhudevi signifying that He is the giver of boons.

Sarva Bhoopala Vahanam: (OCTOBER 7, 7PM To 9PM)

On the fourth day evening the Lord is again taken out for a procession on a vehicle called Sarva Bhoopala Vahanam along with His two consorts signifying that He is the Universal Lord of Lords.

Mohini Avatharam: (OCTOBER 8, 8AM To 10AM)

On the fifth day morning the Lord is taken out for a procession on a finely decorated Palanquin in the attire of Mohini Avatharam – the Universal Celestial Beauty, along with Sri Krishna Swamy on another Palanquin. 

Garuda Vahanam: (OCTOBER 8, 6:3OPM TO 11PM)

On the fifth day evening Lord Sri Venkateswara is taken out in a grand procession on specially decorated, mighty golden Garuda vehicle-His most favourite vehicle usually witnessed by tens of thousands of devotees.

Hanumantha Vahanam: (OCTOBER 9, 8AM To 10AM)

On the sixth day morning the Lord is taken out on a procession with Lord Hanuman as His vehicle. Hanuman is worshiped as he is the personification of the most trusted and self less service and a role model to present day humanity.

Swarna Rathotsavam: (OCTOBER 9, 4PM TO 5PM)

On the sixth day evening the Lord is taken out first for a celestial ride on Swarnarathotsavam, where He is accompanied by His two consorts Sri Devi and Bhu Devi. It is also known as Ratharanga Dolotsavam.

Gaja Vahanam: (OCTOBER 9, 7PM To 9PM)

On the sixth day night the Lord is mounted on Gaja Vahana which reminds us the Gajendra Moksham story of Bhagavat Gita where in the Lord gives salvation to the Elephant King by killing the crocodile.

Surya Prabha Vahanam: (OCTOBER 10, 8AM To 10AM)

On the seventh day morning the Lord Venkateswara is taken out in a procession with Sun God driving the Chariot. Purusha Sooktha describes Sun is born from the eyes of Lord Srimannarayana. Lord Vishnu also takes the form of Lord Sri Surya Narayana Murthy while taking celestial ride on Suryaprabha vahanam.

Chandra Prabha Vahanam: (OCTOBER 10, 8PM To 10PM)

On the seventh evening the Lord is again taken out for a solo ride on Chandra Prabha Vahanam which signifies pleasantness. While Sun is born from the eyes of Lord Maha Vishnu, Moon is born from His mind. Moon is the commander of mind and is a symbol of cool and pleasantness.

Rathostavam: (OCTOBER 11, 7AM)

On the penultimate day, the Lord Venkateswara is taken out on a procession along with His consorts seated on a fully decorated gigantic wooden Chariot pulled by the devotees chanting Govinda Nama along four mada streets.

Ashwa Vahanam: (OCTOBER 11, 7PM TO 9PM)

On the eighth evening the Lord is again taken out on a procession with Aswa (Horse) as his vehicle symbolizing the forthcoming incarnation of Kalki Avathara.

Chakra Snanam: (OCTOBER 12, 6AM To 9AM)

On the ninth morning, the last day of the Brahmostavam, special abhishekam (Avabhruda Snanam) will be held to Sri Malayappa Swmay and His consorts Sri Devi and Bhu Devi on the banks of Swamy Pushkarini located opposite Varahaswami temple along with Sudarshana Chakra (Disc weapon of the Lord). Later the anthropomorphic form of Lord is immersed in the sacred waters of Swamy Pushkarini.

Dwajaavarohanam: (OCTOBER 12, 8.30PM To 10PM)

On the last evening, the Garuda flag will be lowered as a mark of the successful completion of the Brahmostavam. It is performed in the Dhwajastamba mandapa amidst the chanting of vedic hymns and thanking the deities of all the worlds.

Besides these Vahana Sevas, on the second, third and fourth days, Snapana Tirumanjanam is performed to the utsava deities in Ranganayakula Mandapam between 1pm and 3pm in a spectacular manner.

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