
Maha Samprokshana Fete at VontimittaTemple

Maha Samprokshanam programs begin at Sri Kodandarama Swamy Temple as per scripture

As per traditional  the Maha Samprokshanam and Kumbhabhishekam programs at Sri Kodandarama Swamy Temple in at VOntimitta began on Thursday . 

The Agama fete will conclude with Maha Samprokshanam in Vrishabha Lagna on March 15 from 10.15 am to 11.30 am.

Under the auspices of TTD Agama Advisors and Chief Kankanabattar Sri Rajesh Swamy, Bhagavatpunyaham, Agni Madhanam, Vedic programs in the Yagasala, Maha Kumbha, Upakumbha, Chakrabja Mandal, Parivara Kumbharadhanas, Pradhan Murthy Homams, Sri Madramayana Havanam Lakhan, Manmohana Shanti Homam, Poornahuti were organized on Thursday morning at 7.30 am.

Other  rituals like Chatusthanarchanam, Sahasra Kalashadivasam, Vedadi Parayanam, Murthy Homam, Parivara Homams, Poornahuti Sathumora will be held at 5.30 pm.

Temple Deputy EVOs Sri Natesh Babu, Smt. Prashanthi, Superintendent Sri Hanumanthaiyya, Temple Inspector Sri Naveen, other officials and temple priests participated in this program. 

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