
Sea of Humanity Turns Out for Celestial Wedding

All routes from Vijayawada, Krishna and Guntur led to the massive venue of Kalyana Vedika in Venkatapalem located adjacent to Sri Venkateswara Temple of TTD on Sunday evening as a sea of humanity turned out to witness the celestial wedding of Sri Srinivasa Kalyanam.

The Honourable CM of AP Sri N Chandra Babu Naidu, Ministers of the State, dignitaries from various departments graced the divine wedding ceremony.


Usually, Kalyanotsavam is performed as an Arjitha Seva (paid seva) in the hill shrine of Tirumala every day which is restricted to limited number of pilgrims only. To enable more devotees to witness the celestial wedding ceremony, TTD in the year 2012, has set up Sri Srinivasa Kalyanotsavam Project exclusively to organise Srinivasa Kalyanams, which came as a boon for the pilgrims who could not make it to Tirumala or witness the celestial marriage of the deities.


In the last 13 years, 964 Srinivasa Kalayanams were performed, out of which  903 were performed at various places in different states within India, while the remaining 61 in different countries across the globe. 


This religious event took place between 6pm to 8pm amidst Vedic chanting and rendering of Annamacharya Sankeertans in a big way on the pleasant evening of Sunday. Earlier this ritual was performed in Abhijit Lagnam (a lagnam which is considered to auspicious to every individual irrespective of their birth star, almanac etc.). 

The ritual started with Devataradhana and Sabha Vandanam. The ritual performing priests sits in Kurmasana(like Tortoise) facing East to the deities. The celestial marriage of the deities was performed as per the traditional Hindu Marriage system in the following procedure.

Suddhi-Punaha Vachanam: 

This is a sanctifying ritual conducted to cleanse all the articles, premises before the commencement of celestial marriage.

Vishwaksena Aradhana: 

After Punaha Vachanam follows Vishwaksena Aradhana. Lord Vishwaksena happens to be Commander-in-Chief of Lord Venkateswara who supervises the ritual.

The purified water in the kalasam is sprinkled on all the articles in Homakundam and Mantapam.


Next followed Ankurarpana which signifies a healthy beginning before any ritual. The Asta Dikpalakas are invoked and worshiped in this ritual.

Pratisara Bandhana: 

This is yet another main part of the celestial wedding where in the sacred Kankanams (holy threads) are tied to the right hand of the Lord and left hand of His Consorts while the ritual performing priests tie it to their right hands only. Swasti Sooktam is recited.

Agni Pratishta: 

Then follows Agni Pratista where in the sacred Fire - Agni is lit and Prayaschitta Homam was performed.

Vastra Samarpana: 

After the Agni Pratistha new set of Pattu vastrams were offered to the deities. (The Lord and Goddesses will be seated separately on two different Asans as they are yet to tie the holy wedding knot at this moment)

Maha Sankalpam: 

Then the important phase of the ritual, Maha Sankalpam was performed where in the descendent of Tallapaka family (the family which dedicated their lives in the service of Lord Venkateswara from the past six centurites) performed Kanyadanam on behalf of Goddesses.


In any Hindu Marriage, Kanyadanam occupies a prominent place. Here the Gotra Pravaras of Lord and His Consorts were recited by the Archakas.

Bharadwaja Gotram –  Venakteswara Swamy

Bhargavasa Gotram     –  Sri Devi

Kasyapasa Gotram       –  Bhu Devi

Mangalya Dharana Mahotsavam:

The Divine Wedding Ceremony comes to a grand end with, Mangalya Dharana where Sri Srinivasa tied the Holy Mangala Sutrams (sacred turmeric threads) to His beloved Consorts.

Varana Mayiram: 

This is a prominent and most entertaining phase usually performed during South Indian Hindu Weddings. The Lord and His Consorts played with floral balls and coconuts facing each other. (Here the priests and Tallapaka descendent perform this ritual on behalf of the deities). 

Mala Parivarthanam: 

After this the garlands of deities were also exchanged in a ceremonious manner.


After the conclusion of the pleasant “Love Game”, the Consorts are seated on either sides of Lord, with Sridevi taking the Right side and Bhudevi occupying the left place of Maha Simhasanam. 

Karpoora Harati, Nakshatra Harati and Maha Harti were rendered marking the grand conclusion of the Celestial Wedding Ceremony of Sri Malayappa Swamy with His two Consorts-Sri Devi and Bhu Devi.

The Annamacharya Sankeertans enthralled the devotees on the occasion.

The premises of Kalyana Vedika reverberated with vedic chants, Govinda Namas as the tens of thousands of devotees who thronged to witness the grandeur of celestial wedding immersed in devotional vibes.

TTD Trust Board Chairman Sri B R Naidu, EO Sri J Syamala Rao, Trust Board members, Additional EO Sri Ch Venkaiah Chowdary, JEO Sri Veerabrahmam, CVSO Incharge Sri Harshavardhan Raju and other officers were present on behalf of TTD.

While a galaxy Ministers, officers from State and district administration were also present.

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